> About Us > Activity and History
Activity and History
Inform Institute of Human,Environment and Future's major activity and history.
We hold the internal conferences, conferences, colloquiums, seminars, workshops to promote academic exchange between distinguished professors and junior faculties who is interested to the studies of Human, Environment, and their Future. We also operate Inje’s Pursuit of Study that professional scholars and general publics gather and discuss freely together regularly.
We publish the journal twice a year. We are also publishing white paper through researcher's papers and works for the public communication.
We progress research projects to invite scholars’ participation and support junior faculties to investigate our tasks and purposes of the establishment. We collect and analyze other related research materials and construct archives and databases.
- 2008. 03. 01
- Institute of Human, Environment and Future opens. Young-Sik Lee as the first Director inaugurated.
- 2008. 04. 24
- The opening Conference – The future of Human and Environment
- 2008. 06. 01
- Jung-Ho Park as Director inaugurated
- 2008. 11. 27
- Fall Conference – Echo-Humanity: New possibility
- 2009. 02. 04
- Tae-Soo Lee as Director inaugurated
- 2009. 05. 28 ~ 30
- International Conference - Encounter and After: The Dialogues of East and West
- 2009. 11. 12
- Fall Conference - Narrative: New paradigm of Knowledge
- 2010. 05. 27
- Spring Conference - Virtue : From the context of human life
- 2009. 07. 01 ~ 2012. 06.30
- Basic Research Support Program supported by National Research Foundation of Korea - Argumentations in Ancient Greece
- 2014. 12. 01 ~ 2017. 11.30
- University-Centered Lab Program supported by National Research Foundation of Korea - Medical Practice and Humanities